1. Purpose
This policy ensures the safety of young people and vulnerable clients who enrol in our continuing professional development (CPD) activities. It demonstrates our organisation’s commitment to protecting all young people and vulnerable clients.
2. Scope
This policy applies to everyone involved in our organisation’s activities, including learners, educators, staff members, and other stakeholders.
3. Safeguarding Measures
We will take all reasonable steps to ensure young people’s and vulnerable clients’ safety and well-being. This includes:
- Ensuring all staff and volunteers are appropriately trained in safeguarding practices.
- Implementing robust procedures for reporting and responding to safeguarding concerns.
- Regularly reviewing and updating our safeguarding practices.
4. Reporting Concerns
Individuals with a safeguarding concern should report it immediately to our Safeguarding Officer. The report should include details of the problem and any supporting evidence.
5. Investigation
Upon receipt of a safeguarding concern, the Safeguarding Officer will conduct a thorough investigation. This may involve interviewing those involved, reviewing relevant documents, and seeking external advice if necessary.
6. Confidentiality
All reports of safeguarding concerns and subsequent investigations will be handled confidentially and by our Data Protection Policy.
7. Review
This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains effective and compliant with current regulations.